Here is how Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi will be buried on Saturday

According to Zulu traditions, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi is supposed to be buried at night because he is an Inkosi (chief), however, his family has insisted that he will, in fact, be buried in broad daylight.

Mpikayise Buthelezi, the interim chief of the Buthelezi clan, stated that since this will be a special official funeral, there will be two burials.

After regiments from the Buthelezi clan retrieve Mangosuthu's body from the mortuary in the adjacent town of Ulundi on Friday, the funeral process will commence.

“Amabutho (regiments) will be there to bring him home for the last time before he is laid to rest in the family’s cemetery,” Mpikayise explained.

The state will also have the opportunity to participate at the Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi regional stadium.

“As you know, this is a state funeral, the platform at the stadium will be theirs to conduct the funeral according to their protocols.”

“The army would then transport Inkosi from the stadium back to home and once they are done, Amabutho will take over to bury him according to the culture of the Buthelezis,” he added.

Mpiyakhe added that while they can reveal that he will be interred in the family cemetery, they will not reveal who he will be buried next to.

Others decide who they wish to be interred next to when they pass away.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the eulogy at the official category 1 burial service.

Meanwhile, SANDF personnel have already increased security at Mangosuthu's residence in preparation for his funeral on Saturday.

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